Audio Messages 2025

July 31, 2022-Pastor Bruce Dick-I Peter4:7-10

July 24, 2022-p.m.-Pastor Bruce Dick-I Peter 4

July 24, 2022-a.m.-Pastor Bruce Dick-Matthew

(There were places of static on the morning recording, and there is one place where there is no audio for about three minutes, don’t let these things keep you from this very good message.)

July 17, 2022-p.m.-Pastor Bruce Dick-I Peter 3:24-4:2

July 17, 2022-a.m.-Tom Brendle-Risk, Resilience and Redemption

July 10, 2022-a.m.-Pastor Bruce Dick-Matthew 17:14-27

July 7, 2022-a.m.-Pastor Bruce Dick-Matthew 16:27-17:13

June 26, 2022-p.m.-Dwaine Landis-America’s Liberty

June 26, 2022-a.m.-Dwaine Landis-The Glory of Liberty

June 19, 2022-p.m.-Harold Geyer-I John 4:7-21-The Love of God

June 19, 2022-a.m.-Zack Savitski-Fruitfulness

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” 

June 12, 2022-p.m.-Pastor Bruce Dick-I Peter 3:19-22

June 12, 2022-a.m.-Mark Rubin-God’s Comfort

June 5, 2022-p.m.-Pastor Bruce Dick-I Peter 3:18-20

June 5, 2022-a.m.-Pastor Bruce Dick-Matthew 16:21-26

May 29, 2022-p.m.-I Peter 3:14-21-Pastor Bruce Dick

May 29, 2022-a.m.-Matthew 16:13-20-Pastor Bruce Dick

May 22,2022-p.m.-Pastor Bruce Dick-I Peter 3:8-12 (The last4 minutes or so the volume is very low.

May 22,2022-a.m.-Pastor Bruce Dick-Matthew 16:1-12

May 15, 2022-p.m.-Pastor Bruce Dick-I Peter3:6-7

May 15, 2022-a.m.-Pastor Bruce Dick-Matthew 15:22-39

May 8, 2022-p.m.-Pastor Bruce Dick-I Peter 3:3-4

May 8, 2022-a.m.-Pastor Bruce Dick-Matthew 15:10-20

There was a video on the Rapture for the evening service May 1, 2022.

May 1, 2022-a.m.-Pastor Bruce Dick-Matthew 14:34–15:9.

April 23, 2022-p.m.-Pastor Bruce Dick-I Peter 3:1-3

April 23, 2022-a.m.-Pastor Bruce Dick-Matthew 14:14-33

April 17. 2022-Pastor Bruce Dick-a.m.-The Last Words of Jesus

There is some noise on the message.

Sunrise Service

Sunrise service was held at the Green Hill Cemetery Sunday April 17th, Easter Morning. The Resurrection Message was given by Pastor Gentry of the Waynesboro Bible Church, Music was led by Pastor Dodge, Berean Bible Fellowship. Following the service breakfast was held at the Waynesboro Bible Church.

Click here

Sunrise Service in Waynesboro- Easter Morning- Pastor Gentry

Volume is a little low, the recording was made during the outside service.